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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - post


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Перевод с английского языка post на русский

1) (телефонная) почта 2) стойка 3) штырь, столбиковый вывод 4) зажим, клемма – capacitive post – cue post – dielectric post – dual head post – inductive post – office voice post – outside post – telephone post – tuning post – waveguide post
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См. в других словарях

  1) бабка 2) мачта 3) пост 4) почта 5) пункт 6) стойка 7) столб 8) радио штырь post game analysis — послеигровой анализ post road sign — выставлять дорожный указатель send parcel post — отправлять почтовой посылкой station post insulator — опорный штыревой изолятор - Post algorithm - corner post - foundation post - gate post - lamp post - marking post - post boost - post cap - post hoc ergo propter hoc - post office - post paper - reactive post - reel post - signal post - tuning post - waveguide post - window post ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. 1) пост, должность - apply for a post - army post exchange - authorized posts - by parcel post - by return post - command post - elimination of posts - established posts - ex post facto - ex post - hold a good post - key post - overhead posts - post classification - post factum - post meridiem - post project analysis and report - temporary posts - trading post - transfer of posts 2) почта, корреспонденция II нареч. после POST 1. сущ. 1) упр. пост, должность (работа в организации) senior post — высокий пост 2) а) воен. пост to leave to quit, to abandon one's post — уйти со своего поста, дезертировать a sentry at his post — часовой на посту off post — вне службы; не при исполнении служебных обязанностей He fell asleep at his post. — Он заснул на посту. б) воен. пункт command post — командный пункт в) воен., амер. гарнизон; постоянная дислокация (войск) 3) бирж., амер. торговое место (место торговли определенным видом акций; представляет собой сооружение в форме подковы, окруженное видеоэкранами) See: specialist, trading post 2. гл. 1) а) связь отправлять посылать по почте, опустить в почтовый ящик The card was posted from Mary's holiday address. — Открытка была отправлена оттуда, где Мери проводила отпуск. Syn: "mail б) связь, ист. ехать на почтовых (лошадях) на перекладных We posted in a open carriage. — Мы ехали на перекладных в открытом экипаже. 2) общ. мчаться, спешить, лететь, торопиться (часто в форме post...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – marking post ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  фин. пост Место в торговом зале Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи New York Stock Exchange, где торгуют конкретными ценными бумагами. Имеет форму подковы, окруженной видеоэкранами. Тж. trading post ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. столб telegraph post —- телеграфный столб 2. спорт. столб (у старта или финиша; также the starting или winning post) slalom post —- древко флага слалома 3. шест, кол, веха 4. тех. стр. стойка (станка, дверного оклада и т. п.); подкос, подпорка; мачта, свая; надолба; колонка 5. мор. ахтерштевень 6. горн. целик угля или руды 7. геол. мелкозернистый песчаник (также post stone) 8. спец. штырь (замка, волновода) 9. внешняя дорожка (ипподрома, стадиона) 10. эл. клемма Id: between you and me and the post —- между нами (говоря) Id: on the right side of the post —- на правильном пути Id: from post to pillar —- от одной трудности к другой Id: (as) deaf as a post —- совершенно глухой Id: to kiss the post —- уст. прийти с опозданием; поцеловать замок Id: to leave smb. at the post —- обогнать кого-л., оставить позади Id: pipped (beaten) at (on) the post —- потерпевший поражение (неудачу) в самую последнюю минуту (у самого финиша) 11. вывешивать, расклеивать (объявления, афиши и т. п.; обыкн. post up) to post (up) an advertisement —- вывесить объявление "post no bills!" —- "вывешивать объявления воспрещается" (надпись) 12. обклеивать плакатами, афишами (стены и т. п.) 13. сообщать, объявлять (о чем-л.) или рекламировать (что-л.) с помощью афиш, плакатов, объявлений и т. п. to post a ship as missing —- объявить о пропаже без вести...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) столб, стойка, мачта, свая, подпорка  2) sport столб (у старта или финиша); starting post - стартовый столб; to be beaten on the post - отстать на самую малость  3) целик угля или руды  4) geol. мелкозернистый песчаник as deaf as a post - глухой как пень, совершенно глухой  2. v.  1) вывешивать, расклеивать (объявления, афиши и т.п.) (обыкн. post up); обклеивать афишами или плакатами (стену и т.п.); Please post this important message on your notice board.  2) сообщать, объявлять (о чём-л.) или рекламировать (что-л.) с помощью афиш, плакатов, объявлений и т.п.  3) объявить о пропаже без вести, неприбытии в срок или гибели судна  4) amer. объявлять о запрещении входа (куда-л.), охоты и т.п. to post the property - объявлять о запрещении входа на территорию частного владения  5) включать в вывешенные списки имена не сдавших экзаменов студентов II  1. noun  1) почта  2) почтовое отделение  3) почтовый ящик  4) доставка почты; by return of post - с обратной почтой  5) формат бумаги (писчей 15 1/2 д. post 19 д.; печатной 15 1/2 д. post 19 1/2 д.)  6) attr. почтовый - Jobs post  2. v.  1) отправлять по почте; опустить в почтовый ящик; The card was posted from Marys holiday address.  2) ехать на почтовых, на перекладных; This carriage can post from London to Bath in only two days.  3) спешить, мчаться  4) oft. pass....
Англо-русский словарь
  столб; стойка; подпорка posts and timbers angle post breakaway sign post bumping post corner post derrick crane king post end post fender post gable post gate post girder post guide post hanging post heel post inclined end post intermediate gate post king post lamp post marker post meeting post miter post mooring post newel post part slewing king post precast concrete fence post railing post safety post single post water post window post ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a long stout piece of timber or metal set upright in the ground etc.: a to support something, esp. in building. b to mark a position, boundary, etc. c to carry notices. 2 a pole etc. marking the start or finish of a race. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by up) a attach (a paper etc.) in a prominent place; stick up (post no bills). b announce or advertise by placard or in a published text. 2 publish the name of (a ship etc.) as overdue or missing. 3 placard (a wall etc.) with bills etc. 4 US achieve (a score in a game etc.). Phrases and idioms post-mill a windmill pivoted on a post and turning to catch the wind. Etymology: OE f. L postis: in ME also f. OF etc. 2. n., v., & adv. --n. 1 Brit. the official conveyance of parcels, letters, etc. (send it by post). 2 Brit. a single collection, dispatch, or delivery of these; the letters etc. dispatched (has the post arrived yet?). 3 Brit. a place where letters etc. are dealt with; a post office or postbox (take it to the post). 4 hist. a one of a series of couriers who carried mail on horseback between fixed stages. b a letter-carrier; a mail cart. --v. 1 tr. put (a letter etc.) in the post. 2 tr. (esp. as posted adj.) (often foll. by up) supply a person with information (keep me posted). 3 tr. a enter (an item) in a ledger. b (often foll. by up) complete (a ledger) in this way. c carry (an entry) from an auxiliary book to a more formal one, or from one account to another. 4 intr. a travel with haste, hurry. b hist. travel with relays of horses. --adv. express; with haste. Phrases and idioms post-chaise hist. a travelling carriage hired from stage to stage or drawn by horses hired in this manner. post exchange US Mil. a shop at a military camp etc. post-free Brit. carried by post free of charge or with the postage prepaid. post-haste with great speed. post-horn a valveless horn formerly used to announce the arrival of the post. Post Office 1 the public department or corporation responsible for postal services and (in some countries) telecommunication. 2 (post office) a a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Emily 1872-1960 nee Price American columnist & writer POST  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin ~is; probably akin to Latin por- forward and to Latin stare to stand — more at portend, stand  Date: before 12th century  1. a piece (as of timber or metal) fixed firmly in an upright position especially as a stay or support ; pillar, column  2. a pole or stake set up to mark or indicate something; especially a pole that marks the starting or finishing point of a horse race  3. a metallic fitting attached to an electrical device (as a storage battery) for convenience in making connections  4.  a. goal~  b. a football passing play in which the receiver runs downfield before turning towards the middle of the field  5. the metal stem of a pierced earring  II. transitive verb  Date: 1633  1.  a. to publish, announce, or advertise by or as if by use of a placard  b. to denounce by public notice  c. to enter on a public listing  d. to forbid (property) to trespassers under penalty of legal prosecution by notices placed along the boundaries  e. score ~ed a 70 in the final round  2. to affix to a usual place (as a wall) for public notices ; placard  3. to publish (as a message) in an online forum (as an electronic bulletin board)  III. noun  Etymology: Middle French ~e relay station, courier, from Old Italian ~a relay station, from feminine of ~o, past participle of porre to place, from Latin ponere — more at position  Date: 1507  1. obsolete courier  2. archaic  a. one of a series of stations for keeping horses for relays  b. the distance between any two such consecutive stations ; stage  3. chiefly British  a. a nation's organization for handling mail; also the mail handled  b.  (1) a single dispatch of mail  (2) letter 2a  c. ~ office  d. ~box  4. something (as a message) that is published online  IV. verb  Date: 1533  intransitive verb  1. to travel with ~-horses  2. to ride or travel with haste ; hurry  3. to rise from the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]LETTERS, PARCELS, AND INFORMATION (posts, posting, posted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The post is the public service or system by which letters and packages are collected and delivered. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use mail) You’ll receive your book through the post... The winner will be notified by post... The cheque is in the post. N-SING: the N, also by N 2. You can use post to refer to letters and packages that are delivered to you. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use mail) He flipped through the post without opening any of it... There has been no post in three weeks. N-UNCOUNT 3. Post is used to refer to an occasion when letters or packages are delivered. For example, first post on a particular day is the first time that things are delivered. (mainly BRIT) Entries must arrive by first post next Wednesday... = delivery N-UNCOUNT: supp N 4. If you post a letter or package, you send it to someone by putting it in a post box or by taking it to a post office. (mainly BRIT) If I write a letter, would you post it for me?... I’m posting you a cheque tonight... I posted a letter to Stanley saying I was an old Army friend. VERB: V n, V n n, V n to n • Post off means the same as post. (in AM, usually use mail) He’d left me to pack up the mail and post it off... All you do is complete and post off a form. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 5. If you post notices, signs, or other pieces of information somewhere, you fix them to a wall or board so that everyone can see them. Officials began posting warning notices... She has posted photographs on bulletin boards. VERB: V n, V n prep/adv • Post up means the same as post. He has posted a sign up that says ‘No Fishing’... We post up a set of rules for the house. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron), also V n P prep/adv 6. If you post information on the Internet, you make the information available to other people on the Internet. (COMPUTING) A...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »POSTAL SYSTEM« the post especially BrE the official system for carrying letters, parcels etc from one place to another; mail1 (1) especially AmE  (The letter must have got lost in the post. | be in the post)  (Your cheque is in the post. | by post)  (If you send the book by post it should get there by Friday.) 2 put sth in the post to send something to someone  (I'll put a copy in the post to you today.) 3 »COLLECTING/DELIVERING LETTERS« especially BrE the time when letters are collected or delivered, or the act of collecting or delivering them; mail especially AmE  (irst/second post (=the first collection or delivery of letters each day))  (The parcel arrived in the second post. | catch/miss the post)  (If you hurry, you should catch the last post.)  (- see also by return (of) post return2 (8)) 4 »LETTERS« especially BrE letters, parcels etc delivered to someone's house, office etc; mail1 (2) especially AmE  (Was there any post for me today?) 5 »PIECE OF WOOD/METAL« a strong upright piece of wood, metal etc that is fixed into the ground, especially to support something  (a fence post) 6 »JOB« formal especially BrE a job, especially an important one; position1 (8)  (She has been offered the post of ambassador to India. | take up a post (=start doing an important job))  (When he took up his present post at the BBC he was only 33. | resign (from) your post)  (As a result of the scandal, Profumo was forced to resign his post.)  (- see job) 7 »SOLDIER/GUARD ETC« sb's post the place where someone is expected to be in order to do their duty  (The guard was punished for falling asleep at his post.) 8 »FOOTBALL/HOCKEY ETC« one of the two upright pieces of wood which players try to kick or hit the ball between in football, hockey etc; goalpost 9 »RACE« the post also the finishing post the place where a race finishes, especially a horse race  (Dandyboy fell ten yards from the post.)  (- see also as deaf as a post deaf (1), pip sb at the post pip2 (1), second-class post second­class (3), last...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Physician Orders For Scope Of Treatment mil. abbr. Power On Self Test mil. abbr. Portable Optical Sensor Tester mil. abbr. Programmable Optical Sensor Tracter mil. abbr. Passive Optical Seeker Technique mil. abbr. Post Officer Security Training electron. abbr. Power On Self Test electron. abbr. Power On System Test adult abbr. Pictures Of Stupid Things network. abbr. Printer Online Standard Test network. abbr. Power On Self Test media abbr. The Washington Post law abbr. Peace Officers Standards And Training gen. bus. abbr. Point Of Sale Terminal NASDAQ abbr. Cypost Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - prefix meaning "after," from L. post "behind, after, afterward." Post-partum is from 1857. Post-impressionism first recorded 1910; post-modern is from 1949, though specific modern sense in the arts emerged 1960s. Logical fallacy post hoc, ergo propter hoc is L., lit. "after this, therefore because of this." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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